Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tips for Writing an Effective E - Mail

Wonderful Tips for writing an Effective -Mail

Tip - 1 : Think before you write. Just because you can send information faster than ever before, it doesn't mean that you should send it. Analyze your readers' needs to make certain that you are sending a message that will be both clear and useful.

Tip - 2 : Remember that you can always deny that you said it. But if you write it, you may be held accountable for many many moons. You may be surprised to find where your message may end up.

Tip - 3 : Keep your message concise. Remember that the screen only shows approximately one half of a hard-copy page. Save longer messages and formal reports for regular ('snail') or overnight mail. On the other hand, do not keep your message so short that the reader has no idea what you're talking about. Include at least a Summary (Action or Information) in every E-mail message.

Tip - 4 : Remember that E-mail is not necessarily confidential. Some companies will retain the right to monitor employees messages. (Refer to #1 and #2.) Don't send anything you wouldn't be comfortable seeing published in your company's newsletter (or your community's newspaper).

Tip - 5 : Don't FLAME your readers. It's unprofessional to lose control in person; to do so in writing usually just makes the situation worse. (Refer to#2 and #4.)

Tip - 6 : Don't spam your readers. Don't send them unnecessary or frivolous messages. Soon, they'll quit opening any message from you. (Refer to #1.)

Tip - 7: DON'T TYPE IN ALL CAPS! IT LOOKS LIKE FLAMING! Remember, if you emphasize everything, you will have emphasized nothing.

Tip - 8: don't type in all lower case. if you violate the rules of english grammar and usage, you make it difficult for the reader to read.

Tip - 9: Use the Subject line to get the reader's attention. Replace vague lines (Information on XYZ Project, or Status Report Q1) with better hooks: Exciting Career Opportunity, Serious Problems, or Free Money.

Tip - 10: Take the time to proofread your document before you sent it. Rub the document through the spell checker and/or the grammar checker. Even simple tips will make you look sloppie and damage your professional credibility.

How to Appear Professional over Phone

Phone Skills - cutting down the length of time on the phone
In a business environment the first contact you ever have with a customer is often over the phone. He or she will be forming an opinion of you from this first contact. It is very easy to give a poor impression by being disorganized and unprofessional in the way you use the phone. Conversely by using it effectively you can appear very sharp and competent.

Here I am presenting the skills that allow you to present yourself in the most professional way possible.

How to be effective on the phone
Remembering these points will help you to be sharp and professional in the way that you talk on the phone:

Have an aim: When making an outgoing call, always know what you want to discuss. Always ensure that you have all the documentation you need to achieve your aim. This saves both your time and the time of the person you are talking to.

Tailor your style to that of the person you are talking to: Busy people often prefer a clean cut, direct approach with a bare minimum of social chat. Others may prefer a more sociable approach. Tailor your approach to their style (unless they are miserable or rude!)

Limit social conversation: Social chat may be pleasant, but taken to extremes it wastes time. It can be intensely frustrating if you have a lot of work to do.

Give concise answers to questions: Long rambling answers are unprofessional, dull and confusing.

If you don't know an answer, say so: If someone relies on you when you are guessing, and you guess wrong, then they will never trust you again. If you do not know something, say you will get back to them with a firm answer.

At the end of a call, summarize the points made: This ensures that both people agree on what has been said, and know what action will be taken.

Don't talk to anyone else when on the phone: This makes your organization look small. Put the other person on hold, then talk.

Making phone calls
Bear in mind the following when a call has to be made:

Take the initiative in making calls: Where a call has to be made, make it. Leaving it waiting just builds stress if it is unpleasant or difficult.

Don't make a call very early or very late: Give the person you are talking to a chance to get a coffee and settle in before you ring them. Don't take up peoples time when they want to leave the office.

If calls are administrative, delegate them: It may be possible to delegate calls arranging times for meetings, finding out addresses, etc. to assistants. You should, however, be careful not to give the impression that you are playing power games.

If you get an answering machine, ring off and ring back: If you are not prepared for an answering machine, you can sound stilted and off-balance talking into one. It is much better to hang up, prepare a message, and then deliver it smoothly.

Don't harass people: If someone is doing a job for you, don't ring them every few hours to find out how it is going. This is irritating and stressful, and slows achievement of the job.

Taking incoming calls
These points are important in the way your organization handles incoming calls:

The phone should not ring more than 3 times before being answered: This is the norm for efficient business organizations. You will appear seriously slack and unprofessional if your phone rings many more times than this. If you do not have the personnel to answer all incoming lines, take the unanswerable phones off the hook. If you pick up a phone that has rung many times, then apologize to the other person.

Everyone should have responsibility for answering phones: You will seriously annoy anyone who has to hang on waiting for service: not only are you wasting their time, you are also keeping them in a stressed condition where they are ready to talk at a moment's notice. Everyone within an organization should have responsibility for answering phones: if nothing else this will keep front-line people on their toes if they know their managers are having to do their jobs!

Don't answer the phone while eating: This either sounds indistinct or sounds like having your ear nibbled!

Always ring back: There is nothing more frustrating than waiting for an important call that is not returned for many hours. By not returning a call you are slowing the other person's achievement of their goals.

Many of these points are simple courtesies. Always bear in mind that the time of the person you are talking to is limited, and that they are forming an opinion of you and your organizations efficiency while you are on the phone.

How to Improve Self Esteem

Self-esteem is something almost anyone can use more of. Even the people who exude confidence on the exterior probably have nagging doubts in their heart of hearts—doubts that they carefully hide from those around them, but which gnaw at their souls. Doubt can be debilitating.

Luckily, anyone can take very practical steps to improve their self-esteem. Confidence in ourselves isn’t something we’re born with overnight (unless we’re just cocky, in which case the confidence is probably ill-justified!). Anyone with a brain and a critical eye is bound to see what’s wrong in their lives. But it’s always constructive to remind yourself what’s right—and that, in any case, things can improve still more.

Following Tips shall be of great help in increasing the self-esteem.

1) Take stock of yourself
Begin by asking yourself which areas of your life and personality need the most work. What changes would you be most proud of, and find most fulfilling? Compose a list of them—five, perhaps, or ten at the most (if you’re really self-critical!). Rank them. Think about how you can go about improving each point.

2) Build yourself up
Don’t get discouraged, dwelling too much on the areas you want to improve. Remind yourself of the progress you’ve made thus far in life. Pat yourself on the back for having enough determination to try self-improvement in the first place. You’re on the right track!

3) How will you get there?
It’s not enough to decide where you want to go in terms of self-esteem; it’s more important to ask how you’re going to get there. Also, who can help get you there? Who can you trust for help, and for counsel, and even for a shoulder to cry on, if you have a temporary setback?

4) Counter-attack
Tired of suffering the blows of fate? Tired of feeling like the football of the gods? Go on the counter-attack! Take action! Formulate a battle-plan, and assert yourself. You can make things happen. You can dish it too, instead of just absorbing blows.

5) Spread the wealth
Self-esteem is something of incomparable value. At the same time, it’s something you’ve got to give in order to get. The more you build up the people around you, the more that same enthusiasm and confidence will reflect back on you. Spread that sense of optimism and excitement to every member of your team.

6) Branch out
Extend your sphere of influence, and allow yourself to be influenced by interesting and stimulating new people, as you become a member of new organizations and interest groups. Find people who share your passions, and exchange ideas.

7) Engage in extra-curricular activities
Take up a new side project, something you’ll enjoy. Make it something you’ll find relaxing, and yet exhilarating at the same time. Something that will improve you and make you a more well-rounded person. Perhaps it’ll be a hobby or club or recreational activity.

8) Never stop learning
Don’t allow your thinking to stagnate. Join a class, on some topic you’re interested in—even if it’s something not directly connected with, say, your career, or your primary goal in life. As long as you’re passionate about it, you’ll benefit from this intellectual stimulation. Its positive effects on your main interests may surprise you.

9) Migrate to warmer climes
If you’ve got a bad case of the blahs, or are stricken with cabin fever, strike out for new territories. Exploring an undiscovered country can revive your outlook on life, an inspire you with new ideas and new influences. Take a vacation, or even consider making a permanent move, if you really need a fresh start.

10) Count your blessings
Never forget to remind yourself of how blessed and, ultimately, how happy you really are. Consider it an added bonus if your dreams come true; if they don’t, right away at least, you’ll enjoy the challenge, at the very least.