In the Software development life cycle, one of the most inevitable processes is Software Testing. This process is the parameter to ensure the accuracy of the software. To ensure quality, a QA engineer always attempts to make sure whether a software is working properly or not. To start up a career in this field, an individual should own a certification. If you are looking for extensive study material to get through ISTQB Certification, then you can easily get from our online portal. At our website, we have comprehensive tutorials such as E-books, presentation, interview questions and a lot more. Our site was launched by an experienced tester of Automation testing using IBM and HP – Quick Test Professional. Whether you are an aspirant or a professional, you can strengthen your weaker areas.
We are a one stop destination to access a comprehensive study material ranging from self-assessment quizzes to question papers. Apart from this, you can get Encyclopedia on Software Testing terminology to know each and every term about this field. Besides, you can easily prepare for the interviews with our study material. Likewise, if you are a tester or developer in the reputed company, then we will bring for you several templates and checklists to review your own work. Whatever level you want to get through – Foundation, Expert or Advanced, you can easily clear it by reading our material.
We are a one stop destination to access a comprehensive study material ranging from self-assessment quizzes to question papers. Apart from this, you can get Encyclopedia on Software Testing terminology to know each and every term about this field. Besides, you can easily prepare for the interviews with our study material. Likewise, if you are a tester or developer in the reputed company, then we will bring for you several templates and checklists to review your own work. Whatever level you want to get through – Foundation, Expert or Advanced, you can easily clear it by reading our material.